Last week, Pascale had her orientation day at her new school where she will be starting in the fall. I was thinking about what she should wear to this event, and I figured that, since we would need to buy the uniform anyway, I'd just go out and buy it now. Our local department store, Peter Jones, has a whole department selling school uniforms, so I naively went there and asked for the Hill House uniform. They informed me that I must go to Harrods for that particular uniform. What kind of a lunatic would go to Harrods to buy school clothes for her kids? Me, apparently. But we ended up having a really good time checking out the outrageous toy department there after we bought the uniform, pictured above.
Pascale's orientation went well, but she was completely exhausted after. 3 hours in a strange place meeting new people did her in. I think having been there before will end up making her first day of school a lot easier, though.
Here's a good story of something that would NEVER happen in the US. We were planning the trip to Ireland, so we were putting a lot of charges on our credit cards. The bank, seeing what may have been suspicious activity, turned the cards off. No warning, no asking, just all of a sudden the cards did not work. It was up to Bernie to call and get them turned back on. Can you imagine a US bank acting like that?
Pics from this week:

1 comment:
I haven't looked at your news for a while as I too have been in Ireland for a wedding, Donegal, and then back to England, before returning to NZ.
We've been based, in Fulham, but going by train to England's beautiful cities - Bath, Lincoln, York, and soaking up the gorgeous buildings and city views that don't exist, downunder.
I haven't yet been to the V&A, but have spent quite some time in the Royal Academy Courtyard. Not many children there, but there could be, playing amongst the sculptures! I think I've had half an eye open for Claudine, Pascal and Josephine, but our paths haven't crossed...
I hope you don't feel this is creepy - I'm a grey haired motherly type old enough to be a grandmother but still waiting patiently. In the meantime, I revelled in the company of the preschool grandchildren of one of my oldest friends, in Oxford, when we visited them. I'm now having fun sending them postcards from all over England - last week Penzance, today Whitby.
I was ridiculously excited when I came across a book left by a book crosser, on the Post Office counter in Knaresborough, last week - I had read about book crossing but never experienced it. It seemed meant for me, as a traveller! Possibly, being half my age, you are already au fait with book crossing.
Pascale suddenly seems so grown-up in her new uniform. I expect she will take to school like a duck to water.
Regards from a fellow fabraholic
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